
This is the blog section for my site

Redirect back to main site is here!

Forgot about this site (2.9.24)

I forgot about this site, but I am making some improvements like adding a download page for some software

Article deleted

Article deleted. Sorry, maybe if the person in question wasn't a jerk it would have stayed

AAAAAAAA I forgot I have this shiiii (19.12.23)

I finally remembered I have a website lol.

Blog section open (It was entirely made in Windows XP) (25.9.23)

If you're seeing this, then congrats! You are seeing the blog section for my website! On here I will mainly upload images or updates of things going on with my account. Also as a bonus this whole section of my webiste was coded in Windows XP! I booted up the ol' RetroXP to do it. And to prove it, here's a image from Dox.vmw and Dox2.vmw down below


This isnt a blog, this is just a demo thingy for me to copy paste when I need it. Down below a image goes.

Made by DelsonTheFurry, ©2024, No Rights Reserved.