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The WebNews are getting seen on Windows 95!
Someone by the name of Fish managed to get the WebNews website to run on Windows 95 with a dial up modem and a newer browser, it was very complicated as he said but he decided to load our Webiste because it's a very simple on at that.

It is no longer 2022, it is now 2023! Happy new year from WebNews!

Queen Elisabeth the 2nd is now dead. All british pepole are sad, Prince Charles, or lets say King Charles now rules the UK, What happend? The queen died at 96, the cause of death in unknown as of now and the Buckingom Palace website has gone black. Lets overview what will happend: The currenry (AKA the pound sterling) will from 2023 get stamped with the new king The death will become a holiday, And after 10 days the sad period will be over. Written by James Hollowhole, from Wales

How many pepole think black cats are bad luck?
Bombay cats, or you know. Black cats are associated with witchery and bad luck
but who actually belives theese things are bad luck? Accoriding to our study 23% of Lats say they bring bad luck meanwhile 61% belive they are innocent animals that dont do anything, and 16% say they bring good luck if you own them, But lets be honest, thinking black cats are bad luck is idiotery... Wait, lets see what Brits (especially english pepole) think, 75% say they are bad luck and only 25% say the arent bad luck... Wow, that is werid. Anyway we will see you in another article.

How does a Latovina wanted car poster work?
You may have seen them on a local news tree or a wall and think "What does this mean?"
Well we are here to explain what it really means. For starters it contains a image of the vehicle in question that is wanted
second, it contains the maker, Year of production (assumed), licence plate, colour and some other info. In this case we are
using the poster of a wanted renault twingo that was busted years ago. Some of the other info it says is like:
White doors, no hood, black front wheel, tiger seats, dented alot and other stuff. We are reading what OUR exame
says. And lastly there is a message that says "If you see this car, call 112 IMEDIATLY!". Yeah, go figure.

The Best small car in the world!?
Renault's twingo may be the most pracital when it comes to transportation across the town
it may be small, but this little guy packs quite a punch with its pracitality and looks. You can move
a lot of stuff in it at the same time. The car is also cute because it looks like its smiling :)

The problem with Latovina's licnece plates
The licnece plates in Latovina are a little outdated
They have been the same since 2013 and are not the best looking sure there is the funny
custom ones such as "KL-Y0MOM" or something like that. and there is the normal ones
like "AR-ZM34E", but the main problem is the fact if it falls off the car will look unregisterd
beacuse Latovina only needs licences on the back. Bike licnece plates are no good either as
you have to buy a sticker for them every year! The stickers cost 5LTH($15) wich is too much for what,
a sticker?! Plus, you dont need to register a bike to be able to ride it, wich is a waste of money on
its own. And the funny thing is you coud register wheelbarrows for some reason up until 2015. WHY. THE.
HELL. DO. YOU. NEED. TO REGISTER. A. WHEELBARROW? thats stupid on its own! Thankfully its no longer possibe >
to register a bloody wheelbarrow. The ones who did it got refunded for what they spent their money on.
We need to improove the licnence plates!